Clockwork Tin Toy Cable Car . Wind it up and watch it move along. Orange and green, 270 Broadway tram car. Includes plain box and key. Very nice graphic detail. Made in China, 9cm.
Zoo Express train track with clockwork train. wind up safari bus that goes round the zoo to see all the animals. fast passed track tin toy.
Clockwork train shunting engine. Highly detailed lithographed tin toy. Wind the key and pull the lever to release the engine. 13cm long. Made in China.
Mechanical railway trucks, wind the detachable key and the men work the levers as the truck moves along. Supplied in a sturdy box with colourful label. 14cm. long.
Replica, streamline wind-up tin train. This joyous little train is a miniature, wind-up version of the infamous diesel "The Flying Yankee". Built out of tin and durable plastic. This will still make an attractive gift for non-collectors. Just wind-up the engine and let out the little child within, imagining that your powering across the New England...